Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Moving Day January 16, 2013

I know I know it's a little late but you know what they say better late then never. There isn't much I can say about this since I wasn't there but Cody took as many pics as he could so I could get the "full experience" with out actually being there.

The truck has arrived at exactly 10am because here in Japan they are always on time!

They lay blankets down on every surface so they don't scratch anything

Here comes all of our belongings!

There was literally stuff everywhere. Part of me was glad I wasn't there because I would have been beside myself but the other part of me really wishes I was there so I could have started right away and not a week later! At least they somewhat sorted it into the correct rooms and areas of the house.

The staircases are very small and narrow here so the only way they could get the furniture and bed up was to wrap it up and bring up by a ladder through the balcony. I was terrified just to be hearing about this I couldn't imagine being there and watching!

But they got everything up there all in one piece and no one was hurt lol. They even put everything together for us furniture wise and took some of the items out of the boxes (that I could have lived without since they saw some items I would've preferred them not too!) They had everything done and cleaned up by 2pm and off they were and Cody was left with a complete house to unpack! (Not that he did!) hahahahaha

Oh one last note.... sadly this is one of the many items that was delivered that was damaged :( 

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